Every year, high school-aged youth from around the presbytery are invited to the Fall Ministry Project–an event where the youth are able to serve the presbytery’s churches by helping with many different projects. The event begins on a Friday evening with a message from a guest speaker. Later on in the night, the youth are divided into various teams to be sent off to different churches throughout the presbytery. The following day, these teams will travel out to these congregations and aid them in various service projects, in addition to participating in any fun activities that the church may have planned. The youth then have an opportunity to worship with that congregation on Sunday morning before returning back to Second Reformed Presbyterian Church for pickup Sunday afternoon. We hope to see you there!
The dates for this year are October 11-13, 2019.
Scheduled in the last week of the year, Winter Conference is held at Camp Lakeview near Columbus, Indiana. Over four days and three nights, the youth have opportunity to hear a series of messages from a guest speaker, to be challenged in the faith, and to build friendships and community. The “Stress Challenge” takes participants outdoors in cold weather for an afternoon of teamwork and testing. The “Theme Dinner” is the opportunity to dress up and kick back for an evening of fun and games. Plan now to attend the next Winter Conference, and be ready to grow in your Christian faith.
TFW aims to solidify the student’s understanding of and commitment to the doctrines and distinctive principles of the RPCNA. Because TFW is designed for juniors and seniors, we also hope to strengthen their theological foundation in readiness for college and the workplace. We also want to encourage students toward enthusiasm for the ministries of the RPCNA as the sphere of their future service to Christ and His kingdom. Through this event, students will be able to participate in vibrant fellowship with fellow Christian youth around the study of God’s Word.
Come ready for a day outdoors featuring a talk from our guest speaker and a CYPU team member testimony. Spring Bash will also be full of fun activities like Spikeball, Ultimate Frisbee, and an Euchre tournament! Dinner and lunch are provided.