SONRise Party

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Dear Parents, Counselors, and SonRise-ers,

We have made the decision to postpone SonRise due to the risks of spreading COVID-19 at a gathering such as this. As you know, most schools and many churches are closing for the remainder of March, including our venue at Covenant Christian. We are hopeful to find an alternative date later in April to hold this event.

If you have any questions please let us know. Thanks!

The SONrise Party is a night packed full of fun, food, and fellowship.

SONrise Party is an overnight lock-in party filled with fun, food, and fellowship. Activities include games such as ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, board games, and card games. We will also hear a testimony of God’s saving grace! We encourage you very strongly to bring friends! Friends can come for only $10! SONRise Party is a time to renew old friendships and make new ones, in order to grow as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. It is also a great opportunity to provide Gospel witness to friends who might be from outside of the Church.


There will be a short testimony given be somebody in the church at some point during the evening.

What to bring

Please, no electronic devices except cellphones!

*Students driving home from the event are required to have at least 5 hours of sleep.


Covenant Christian High School

Indianapolis, Indiana

Please arrange to be dropped off and picked up at:

Covenant Christian High School

7525 West 21st Street

Indianapolis, IN 46214

Drop off/Check-in: TBD

Pick up*: TBD

*Registrants are responsible for pick-up arrangements.


The cost of the event is $20 per person for presbytery youth and $10 for friends. We would prefer you pay online, but you may still pay at the door.

If you are writing a check, please make checks payable to: “CYPU”

If you do not register online, please bring the completed registration form with you to SONrise Party, and pay at the door.